pixel-persistence is an asp.net core based web service used by pixel-designer and pixel-runner to store and retrieve data. It also comes up with a blazor based UI for showing various reports for test execution results. pixel-persistence requires mongodb to store automation process and test execution data.
see docker-compose-. files in project repository if you are intrested in hosting on docker. An official docker image is planned for upcoming release.
- Make sure that an instance of mongodb is up and running
- Extract the files to any location after unblocking the zip file.
- Ensure that DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT OR ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable is set to production. See ENVIRONMENTS in asp.net
- Edit the appsettings.json file to set the MongoDbSettings->ConnectionString. Example connectionString “mongodb://localhost:27017”. This will vary based on your mongodb configuration.
- Launch pixel-persistence.exe
- Navigate to dashboard - https://localhost:5001/persistence and swagger ui - https://localhost:5001/swagger/index.html) to verify service is up and running. Base Url can be different depending on your setup.
While the pixel-persistence service can be exposed directly (with Kestrel), it is recommended to use it behind a reverse proxy with SSL termination. See guidance on when to use Kestrel with a reverse proxy. You will need to provide HTTPS certificate in either case. Checkout mkcert if you are working locally to generate self-signed certificates.
pixel-persistence doesn’t support authentication and authorization out of the box. You would ideally want to host it behind a reverse proxy like yarp and authenticate and authorize requests before they are proxied. Please see Authentication and Authorization with yarp. You can use any reverse proxy of your choice.
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